Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How to create a certificate for Google Domain Registration

As a developer in Niloosoft HunterHRMS, I needed to register our domain with Google in order to start integrating with Google Docs. As part of the registration process, I had to submit a certificate file. Creating the file has been an unpleasant process, as even Google's instructions are very insuffcient. Therefore, for myself and others, I hereby summarize the exact step-by-step instructions on how to create this precious file.
Google currently requires a pem cert file.

1. Download open ssl to the computer
2. Create 2 environment variables on the computer:
   A. Name: RANDFILE            Value: .rnd
   B. Name: OPENSSL_CONF  Value: The full file name of the openssl.cnf file. For example: D:\Program Files\openssl-0.9.8k_X64\openssl.cnf  (To reach Envrironment Variables editing window: computer -> properties -> Advanced system settings -> Advanced tab -> Environment Variables button.)
3. Run openssl.exe (only after the environment variables have been created!)
4. Create private key file + certificate file:
(Note: you will be prompted to enter the certificate information. When you are asked for the Common Name, enter the domain - such as www.hrms.me)
OpenSSL> req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -sha1 -keyout myrsakey.pem -out myrsacert.pem
5. Create a pfx certificate (used by .Net) based on the pem private key + certificate:
(Note: you will be prompted for a password. It may be left empty)
OpenSSL> pkcs12 -export -in myrsacert.pem -inkey myrsakey.pem -out CertForGoogle.pfx -name "Cert for Google".

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